Dance Again

Books: A living testimony

Infertility. Infidelity. Divorce…

No one thinks it could ever happen to them. And when it does, often the debilitating pain has to be faced alone. Or does it?

In a rare display of vulnerability and honesty, this book breaks the silence and dares to say it like it is. No fairy tale. Just truth. And it is beautifully powerful in providing release to the pain and knowing that no-one needs be alone.

When seeming disaster hits our lives, it can feel like we’ve been hit by a train. Everything seems to change and it feels like part of you has died. We stop living, stop singing, stop believing, stop dancing.

Psalm 30:11-12
"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever."

This book is both a testimony of God’s goodness through much turmoil and provides practical guidance on how to be a victor and not victim. It is for those experienced gut wrenchingly painful life experiences and for those who love them, trying to understand and wanting to help. You may be bruised, but you're not broken.

You don't have to let circumstances and the bad choices of others define you, nor rob you of joy.

You don't have to fight against God. You can allow God to fight with you. Allowing God to do a new thing in your life. With God we can turn our mourning into dancing. You can laugh again, You can know peace, You can sing again, You can even dance again.


An Introduction To The Book

Resources for Dance Again

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